August is here and marks the beginning of the Fall semester for colleges and university across North America! International students all around the world are packing their bags and preparing the journey to their new campus. Packing to leave for college is hard enough for a normal student, with all the clothes and home souvenirs to carry, but it’s even harder for international students who will be travelling half-way across the world to reach their destination. We’ve put together a departure checklist of the most important things not to forget as you prepare for your upcoming departure!
Before you leave
- Review all information sent by your college/university to make sure you are fully prepared to bring all required documents.
- Make a checklist of things your college/university asked you to bring so you don’t forget anything.
- Check what you are and aren’t allowed to bring into the US with you, especially with regards to medicine and food.
- Check the climate of your destination to know what clothes to pack.
What to carry on you (not packed!)
- Passport with visa.
- I-20 form and letters of acceptance from your college/university.
- Bank card or cash to get you started (you might not be able to open a bank account on the first day).
- Prescriptions, if you are carrying medicine.
- Contact information of your Designated School Official (DSO).