Higher education in North America takes place as much in the classroom as outside of it. Taking part in extracurricular activities is a resourceful way for international students to get involved in the American culture, meet new friends and discover new hobbies. Although getting good grades and passing your classes remain a top priority, studying abroad in North America is also about pursuing your interests.
How to get involved. A great place to start is to look on the school website to see what activities are available for students. Once you have arrived at your new campus, make sure you make use of your school’s resources: admission’s office, international students office, student center, athletic center, etc. They will be able to tell you about the different extracurricular activities available on campus, and introduce you to them.
Academic clubs. Most colleges and universities offer a large variety of clubs and organization, something for everyone! You will find academic clubs linked to various fields and degrees, which can be great additions to a chosen major or minor. Joining a club is also an enriching way to explore new hobbies and interests, which you might not have had the chance to pursue in the past.
Volunteering and community work. Taking part in volunteering or helping out in the community helps international students to learn about the American culture beyond the school campus, and to gain valuable skills for a future resume. Employers everywhere greatly value the work a student does outside the classroom.
Sports clubs. Although joining a sports team can be more or less challenging depending on the school you attend, nothing is stopping you from trying out! Many schools also offer intramural sports and sports clubs, which are open to athletes of all levels.
The more involved you are during your time as an international student, the better your experience will be. Do you want to find out how Go Campus students are getting involved outside the classroom? Join our online community to connect with past and current students!
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